Ahhh! I cannot believe I am giving in!!! Talk about the taste of rubber in my mouth...I think I ate the entire shoe rack at Nordy's with this one. I was (and still am:)) COMPLETELY anti-blogging, but I guess sometimes you have to man-up to your mistakes and admit it when your wrong. I hate that I'm admitting this, but so many times I've thought, "If I only had one of those lame blogs I wouldn't need to email so many people everytime something happens". It's looking like this could be a good thing, so I'm taking the leap!!! Thanks to my relentless buddies...you know who you are.
So where do I start now? Well, I guess for my own good I will cut and paste an extremely LONG journal-type thing I did at the beginning of this month. It'll take you forever to read, but feel free if your having a hard time sleeping and have time to read a novel. Just remember I'm posting it for my sake only...enter at your own risk!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
So since I am hard-headed and refuse to start a blog and have absolutely no time to write in a journal, I figured I would best be able to document our beautiful family’s life together in a word document. So typical of meJ. Hey, it’s better than nothing, and sure as heck better than documenting it via text message on my blackberry that I am addicted too. Derek will vouch for that one. That brings up my first of many cute Matix stories. I am with Matix and Marley all but about 12 hours of the week. Those 12 hours I spend working (currently at AmeriFirst). Since my job is a full time job that I do from the comfort of my home with my kids, Matix and Marley witness a lot of phone conversations and texting/emailing that goes along with their mom being a mortgage consultant and full-time mom. Consequently, Matix loves phones. Especially the ones that make a lot of noise like Mama’s Blackberry. Well, this particular afternoon, Derek had left his phone out on the couch when he made one of his MANY bathroom runs. Matix picked it up, and out of instinct I told him to put it down, as Derek doesn’t like when the kids mess with his precious phone. Matix’s response was “Hold on, Mom. I need to text someone,” as his little miniature thumbs typed away on Derek’s phone. I was dying laughing. This kid is too dang smart for his own good. A two and a half year old telling his mom to hold on a sec…he’s busy texting. I had NO IDEA what texting was until about 6 months ago!!! My two year old is light years ahead of where I was at 24!!! The funniest part was that he was so serious about it too. Like he was doing something important and he could not be distracted. In fact, he didn’t even pause for a split second to look at me while he said it. He just continued his “texting”.
So where do I start now? Well, I guess for my own good I will cut and paste an extremely LONG journal-type thing I did at the beginning of this month. It'll take you forever to read, but feel free if your having a hard time sleeping and have time to read a novel. Just remember I'm posting it for my sake only...enter at your own risk!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
So since I am hard-headed and refuse to start a blog and have absolutely no time to write in a journal, I figured I would best be able to document our beautiful family’s life together in a word document. So typical of meJ. Hey, it’s better than nothing, and sure as heck better than documenting it via text message on my blackberry that I am addicted too. Derek will vouch for that one. That brings up my first of many cute Matix stories. I am with Matix and Marley all but about 12 hours of the week. Those 12 hours I spend working (currently at AmeriFirst). Since my job is a full time job that I do from the comfort of my home with my kids, Matix and Marley witness a lot of phone conversations and texting/emailing that goes along with their mom being a mortgage consultant and full-time mom. Consequently, Matix loves phones. Especially the ones that make a lot of noise like Mama’s Blackberry. Well, this particular afternoon, Derek had left his phone out on the couch when he made one of his MANY bathroom runs. Matix picked it up, and out of instinct I told him to put it down, as Derek doesn’t like when the kids mess with his precious phone. Matix’s response was “Hold on, Mom. I need to text someone,” as his little miniature thumbs typed away on Derek’s phone. I was dying laughing. This kid is too dang smart for his own good. A two and a half year old telling his mom to hold on a sec…he’s busy texting. I had NO IDEA what texting was until about 6 months ago!!! My two year old is light years ahead of where I was at 24!!! The funniest part was that he was so serious about it too. Like he was doing something important and he could not be distracted. In fact, he didn’t even pause for a split second to look at me while he said it. He just continued his “texting”.
On the subject of our little man’s brilliance (I swear it was the Baby Einstein I forced down he throat:)), he is amazingly smart for his age. Ha! Doesn’t every parent say that about their own kids? But I mean it with Matix. It is scary. He is 2 ½ and speaks full sentences, and has for a while!!! Gosh…when did he start speaking so well? I honestly think the full sentences came well before he was two. I know when we buzzed his long luscious locks before his 2nd birthday, he was speaking well enough to tell us he wanted to buzz his head. In fact, When Marley was born, he was 19 (almost 20) months. The full sentences weren’t there yet, but shortly after is when they came. This kid, mind you, has been talking since he was 8 months old though. His first word was “ball”, of course. I think just after a year is when he learned how to say “hemangioma”, which is the little blood vessel cluster between his ring and middle finger on his left hand. He loves his hemangioma. In fact, he has been known recently to whine when his hands are dirty, saying “Mama, my hemangioma is dirty!” Yeah, funny.
Well, the month of September ended with a bang for Matix. He got potty trained!!!! It has been heaven to not have to change diapers that smell like the sewers in a third world country. Matix’s diapers were absolutely horrid, and bad enough to make you want to burn your own hands off for even touching his dirty bottom with 10 layers of wipes. Serious. He has a few accidents here and there, like yesterday when I found little turds all around the house and Derek blamed it on our new neighbor’s 4 year old daughter (who got in trouble, I must add). Come to find out, Matix had major tire tracks in his britches that evidenced some little turds being housed there for a while. Guilty. We felt bad for getting the little 4 year old girl in trouble, but not bad enough to fess up to the neighbors that our little squirt was the one that left them a house-warming gift in one of their doorways. She’ll get over it. I'm kidding:)
Marley, Marley, Marley. She is too sweet for words. And yet too salty as well. She is yin and yang. Jekyll and Hyde. Sugar and spice. Need I say more? Such a spunky HUGE personality for the teeniest little body you’ve ever seen. She is so tall and lanky; I hope she fills in a little more for fear she might break. She is walking now and is ever so reminiscent of Bambi. Her legs just are like stilts that wobble and “flail about as if independent from her body” (Mom and G-mo, you know you loved that add-in). Anyway, Marmie, as Matix mysteriously calls her, is a crazy little thing. Unlike her brother, she has absolutely NO fear of anything and will no doubt be skydiving as soon as I allow it. She is little miss independent. Derek says she is too much like her Mama, too bad for her poor husband someday…she’s a force to be reckoned with.
Her talking is hilarious. She doesn’t say things as clear as Matix did, but she definitely kicks his butt in the amount of sounds exiting her gummy and toothy mouth. She chooses quantity over quality. Marley is a genius as well…she speaks Chinese!!! For real, we always joke that we could take her with us to get a pedicure and have the ladies translate what she is saying. It is outta control how Chinese-ish it sounds. And it never stops!!! Motor mouth, indeed. Darryn and I were just laughing how when you tell Marley something, or ask her something her answer is always “huh?” in her high-pitched little voice. It is adorable. “Marley, where’s daddy?” “huh?” “Marz, get outta the cabinet!” “huh?” “Mar Mar, stop throwing your food,” “huh?”. All of her huhs are done with the sweetest most innocent little face you have ever seen. Too cute. Not so cute though is the fact that Mar has already mastered the science of getting Matix in trouble. She knows all she needs to do is squeal in her high-pitched, almost glass-breaking tone and Matix gets it! Needless to say, she does that a lot…and poor Matix gets it a lot!
Last Thursday the 4th, Marley got her first real haircut. The mullet had to go. She has had a few cuts here and there to trim her baby hair, but Aunt Karlee gave her a cute little pixie bob. She is so cute. Also, Marley turned the big 1 on Saturday the 6th. Since Bill and Kathy opened up their new Bounce-U a couple weeks ago, we decided to bring Mar’s party to them at work. We had a blast there. Marley had the time of her life and looked adorable as always. Since Marley doesn’t really have any friends of bouncing age, we invited some of Matix’s friends to do some bouncing with us. They tore it up!! Best of all, I didn’t have to clean a single thing!!! I love Bounce-U!