
What Posers

I swear I have the biggest posers for kids in the whole world!! I was laughing at these pictures from Matix, I had to throw them on here. My kids see a camera and start striking a pose!
What the.....??????

Aww, Marz Barz....I love them so much!!!


Swirls of Happy said...

Seriously, could your kids be any cuter???!!!!! I miss little Matix's voice and Sweet little Marley, I want to hug her :) I came home from ALbertsons and I was cracking up too, I told Jason that we are too much a like, it is SCARY! Too bad we didn't go to the same High School, I am sure we would have been such good friends! Anyway, New Years was a blast...thanks again for coming, we had so much fun! Those Quads are AWSOME, every little boys dream I am sure :) P.S. I LOVE your new page layout. Jason met Derek at Cafe RIo yesterdy, so I say if they get to go to lunch together so often, us girls should get to do pedicures and dinner soon!!!! P.S. I can't get over Matix's outfit in the top pictures, what a stylin' dude, you are such a stylish Mama!

the cummard family said...

what a poser! love the dance pose. fun new years-blondes only...no wonder i didn't get an invite-lol. those little power wheels can keep kids busy for hours. quincy gives tilley rides, and seriously they are outside forever. love it. bead diva's tonight? shoot i forgot to call you back-sorry.

Brooklyn said...

I agree with Britts comments. Too cute, too cute, too cute!!!!

Kristen Lane said...

Matix and Marley are too cute! I love that Matix is a poser. Hey maybe someday he will be a model and Tate will be a dancer. We would be such proud moms! Ha! I love Marley's dress. Brooklynn has the same one and I bet it's the same size too!

Paleo Lovin said...

Matix is going to be such a LADIES MAN so watch out! He is so cute!

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

alright- those outfits are winners!! DID YOU GET MY MOVIE EMAIL??? have you seen 27 dresses yet?? let's do it.

The Gerard Family said...

Your kids are so dang cute! Love the personalities!! Austyn is all about the camera also, I think he gets that from his dad!! HAH HAH Cute Cute!

BCOOPER said...

oh my gosh! too cute! i love it...he is totally going to be a model! your kids are seriously gorgeous!

Chelsea said...

I'll take one of each.

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

we;ll see you wed night???!

Kristi said...

Love,love,love those cute kids! Marley is so beautiful just like her mommy!

Nicole said...

diito to all the comments.... you kids are just tooo dang cute! I don't think it's fair that you get two super cute kids! j/k
Oh BTW I've been working out, my goal is to have your arms...... how do I get them???

Anonymous said...

I love it! Matix and I have the same ACDC shirt- BACK IN BLACK BABY! How hilarious- they are models in the making!

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! I love their clothes, as usual! And yes, Matix should be on Top Model with those poses! They are great!

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

I miss your cute buns. Where have you been? Love ya. Thinking of you...

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Where the heck are ya at?! We miss ya :)

Suzy Cummard said...

I can relate to the posing kids! (Ellie at our family pics this weekend)
SO CUTE. Make them make you some $!

SO--- I was at my Grandma's a couple weeks ago & noticed something w/ my name on it. I opened it & found your darling Christmas card inside! I am not sure why you have that address-- I guess from a long time ago! SO--



MERRY CHRISTMAS to you & your cute fam!

SunGood said...

YEA! I finally got my stupid computer to work so I could finally check out your blog! BEAUTIFUL kids Heidi! They are seriously adorable! They look just like you!! I Love their names too! Too stinkin' cute!! Will I see you Tues morn?!

the cummard family said...

come on....it's been 2 months! we need an update!

the cummard family said...

almost 3!

the cummard family said...

happy mothers day heidi!

This Time Last Year....