
Fun at Pa and Noey's w/ Jude and Papa!!

My mom's mom and dad (Jude and Papa) came into town for Christmas this year, just like always. They are ALWAYS SO MUCH FUN! We just love them. A few days before Christmas we headed over to my parents to hang out with them before the festivities began.
The next few pictures need an explanation. Matix is a die hard 2 1/2 year old rocker already. This kid plays air guitar, air drums, bang his head, makes one person play piano, makes another play harmonica, until he has a full band, complete with dancers, singers and all! He is outta control!! So here is him designating to Noey (my mom). He is showing her how to play air guitar so he can play the piano, and you cannot see, but he has the entire family included in his little rock band...including Marley, who DOES play along.

After his little rock band disolved, he decided to steal Mommy's boots and hightail his butt into the family room...

I think Matix has found a new best friend. Papa Ken is, hands down, the best story-teller alive. Matix seriously sat there glued to him for an hour...thats not an exageration either. Possibly longer.
Playing with Pa.
Mar and Noey.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love all the pics. thanks for updating us on your holidays!!!

This Time Last Year....