
Lane Family Christmas Party

I am soooo behind, always, with my posts. Only a month...that's not too bad, is it? In December we had a really fun extended Lane Family Christmas Party that I decided to host this year. Well, I volunteered my family to host, which translated to ME hosting. What better place to have a fun-filled Christmas Party than the GREAT BOUNCE-U!! I'm always all about NO CLEAN UP!!!! The only downfall was that Santa didn't come this year like he usually does. I think he had a hard time finding the place or something. Regardless, we all had tons of fun. Here's a few pics from the day.
Look at Matix and Marley's Great Granny takin those slides like a champ!!
My son is crazy. He loves the upside down flying torpedo.
Mar takes those slides like a champ too. Grandma and her grand boys.
The whole fam (almost all of us).
I love it when they are tired...nothing better than a cute, cuddly kid.


Ashley Dent said...

What a great idea for a Christmas party! I guess it helps when your family owns such a fun place! We should do Bunko there; rolling the dice as we slide down, it could be fun right?!

Brooklyn said...

Okay Heidi! First, don't think for a sec I didn't like that game. I thought it was hilar! I really want to do another get together and play. Second. We luv u guys tons too! Britt and I were talking about it. Third, I would love to borrow Marley (and Matix)!

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

I had no idea you were in charge of that shin dig. HOW FUNNN! What a darling family you have- extended and all. I can only imagine the fun you have together. And ohhh i'm right there with you loving my kids being tired or even SICK for that matter. The just want to be held all day long and even though sometimes it takes me a minute to take a deap breath to just sit down all day with them...i'm in heaven when I do!

the michael family said...

Bounce-U looks like a blast! We hope to have some fun there soon!

This Time Last Year....