

Hey All, after hearing some pretty crazy blog stories I have decided to make mine a private one. Please email me if you want an invite at dasolos@gmail.com.



the cummard family said...

you have it right...

The Neilson Times said...

Good, I am glad you are going private, I want to hear the stories. We need to get together this weekend with the kids, we are all in need of a Matix and Marz fix!

jillian said...
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Chelsea said...


I wanna hear the stories!! I'm glad mine is private.

Aleia said...


The Hill's said...

Hey Heidi - How the heck are you? I found your blog through Tiffany and was so excited! I'm actually going private too! I was getting some crazy posts on mine! I will add your email address to my blog, but check it out when you have a chance!


P.S. Your family is just beautiful! Glad to see that you are doing good these days!

Lots of Love,
Megan Hill (Mag's cousin)

Tiffany said...

Your family is so cute! I just saw the post Brooke did of Matix and Taylin... so adorable! Well I would love to still see updates on your fam. We all need to get together sometime when everyone is home for Christmas.

Brooklyn said...

brookebrown702@yahoo.com Thanks Heidi!

Brooklyn said...

Hey, also I set mine to private too. I have been wanting to forever, I have just been lazy so will you send me your email to the my email? Thanks girl!

Anonymous said...

Well- you have my email:) but... YAAYY for private blogs!!!

Chelsea Bevans said...


Thanks! Sounds like your all doing well! Your kids are adorable!

Kurt and Carli said...

I am definitely going to have to Elf Kurt and I!!! You guys are quite the dancers!
Our email is carimajerle@yahoo.com.

This Time Last Year....