
KC the Great

Two days a week, I have an AMAZING girl named KC come watch the kids while I go into the office. She is incredible!!! Which is so hard to find, especially when I was COMPLETELY spoiled by Mele, the all-time BEST NANNY!! Anyway, it is so hard for me to feel comfortable leaving my kids with someone, but for the first time in a long time Matix and Marley BOTH are soooo excited for me to LEAVE!!! It kinda makes me sad, but at the same time it makes me happy that they love KC as much as they do. She reads, plays, teaches them, takes them to the park, takes them to Bounce-U, cleans, DOES MY LAUNDRY, ORGANIZES MY CABINETS!!!!! ALL WITHOUT ASKING!!!:):):) Anyway, I came home the other day to the cutest little finger painted pictures that she had helped the kids do. I was so excited to unload my camera and find that she had snapped some pics of them in action.



Sarah Hawkins said...

That is SO nice that you found someone like that! She sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Wow- I have obviously been the worst blogger- due to the holidays, of course! You have posted soo much- and everything looks so fun! Love the cute finger painting pic.s- what a great sitter :) I can't get over Matixs' sweetness towards his baby sis- priceless. Oh- and I am sooo jealous- I CANNOT wait to go to a suns game!!!! They are the best! You are the luckiest to have season tickets- that is the ultimate Christmas present! Oh- and I got the new background from a site that this cute girl named Ashley Hunt does- it is on my blog under Cutest Blogs :) I did the header just with my scanner...I don't know if that is the way most people do their's, I am just learning slowly but surely. Let me know if you need any other help- I was so lost on these for a long time, so I am always willing to help others in need- I've been in that boat :)

Cam and Mele said...

I'm glad you finally found a good replacement. I will try to keep the jealousy low key;) I can't believe how many posts I have missed from you! If you didn't notice I had a drought on mine, which meant catching up on peoples too. Happy New Year!!!! Love you guys!

Swirls of Happy said...

Where do I begin???!!!! Once again, your pictures make me want to come over and hug Marley and listen to Matix's sweet little voice that I can't get enough of!!!! The picture in the car with them holding hands is PRICELESS!!! What a fun Christmas party...ADORABLE family picture! Go KC....so great to have an awsome babysitter :)

BCOOPER said...

Cute pics Heidi...and that is so awesome to find such a great sitter! I can not leave my kids with anyone but my mom or sis. Matix is do dang cute with Marley. I LOVE it!! We do not have that cute brotherly protection with three girls!! Too CUTE!!

The Neilson Times said...

What great pictures! I love the one of Mar in the sink, they are so cute and KC is so sweet. How did it go at the mall today?

Chelsea said...

its so awesome to have someone that you feel good about leaving them with...but I think the fact that she cleans & organizes without asking is even more important on the 'qualities you want in a babysitter' list! HA! I love the one of them holding hands in the car sleeping (well her) I cannot get over that he is not even 3! You better check the birth certificate again, somethin isnt right! I thought he was 4ish. I still dont believe it. Sorry. :)

Tyra said...

Wow, maybe I should be dropping little H-dog over for this chick to watch, and its okey that Matix tackles hudson, one day when he's not looking Hud will get him back.

Brooklyn said...

Heidi! That pic of them holding hands is to die for! What a big sweet loving brother!!!! And I am so glad you have a good nanny, it makes all the differencr to have GREAT help! Fun finger painting projects! See ya at the gym tonight!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you have a good nanny! That makes working so much better! And I absolutely love the pictures of them together. Especially the one of them in the car! They are soo sweet!

Swirls of Happy said...

Sorry I missed you at the gym..we came home from Bounce U and Bentley had a runny nose...UGH! I hate when he is sick...I feel so bad :( I am going to do Eliptical at home tomorrow and then the Gym Saturday Morning so Jason can watch Bentley...want to go then?

My Loves said...

Saturday is my run, Brittany!! Darn it! You are welcome to do it with us though...only 10.5 this week. You can do it. If you can do 40 on the eliptical, you can push the run, I promise.

The Wallin's said...

Wow, KC sounds amazing! I need her. I love the naked kiddos so cute! They are sweet to each other, Matix is such a good big brother! And I love Marley's paisly red outfit, darling.

Nicole said...

HELLO THERE!!!!!! Hey, it's Nicole! Thx for the invite, I'll add you to mine. We had so much fun the other night we need to do it again!

the waites said...

I got to see your adorable brother in Newport. He is GQ material. When you guys go you have to tell me we could meet at TK Burger.

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

hey!!!! we sat sooo close to your sisinlaw alexis and her mom last night at the suns game. she is a doll- seemed like they were having fun!!
hey- a group of us are going to the zoo tomorrow. come come- so far it's me, shelley stapley, and tiffany, and courtney horne.

Nicole said...

Hey Heidi, Yesterday my friend said that she was looking at my blog and knew you from highschool.... Jill (Arnette) Tyler! It's such a small world! And btw she said you are just as cute and perfect as you were in high school!

The Gerard Family said...

Thanks Heidi for adding me. Everyone looks awesome and healthy. Just love the family pictures. I am sooo new at this so bare with me!!!

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

matix's hair has totally inspired me to grow Brody's back out I'll have you know...
Alright sista- time for an update! WE WANT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT YOUR 1/2 MARATHON!!!!! AND SEE SOME PICS! miss ya-

This Time Last Year....