
Turkey Day '07

Isn’t Thanksgiving the best holiday ever? You get to relax, enjoy family, and eat lots of good food!! Yeah, not so much on the relaxing part or the eating part when you are cooking and chasing two little kids around, but we had a blast. And yes, I DID cook this year!! A lot, I am proud to say. In fact, I cooked until 4am the night before! This Thanksgiving was spent at my mom and dad’s house with my brothers and their families. It was low key and fun. There is never a dull moment at my parent’s house!!! Border line crazy….:). Gotta love it! Marley in outfit #1.
This is the ONLY picture you will see of me and I hesitate even posting it because of my nice left eye. I ALWAYS have the worst holiday pictures. I’m either 8 months pregnant, have the flu, or recovering from an appendectomy or a knee surgery. It’s almost a joke. This year I was greeted by PINK EYE!! Yeah, at least I wasn’t contagious by Thanksgiving Day. I might add that once the pink eye was gone it one eye, I woke up with it in the other, THE DAY BEFORE I HAD SCHEDULED FAMILY PICTURES!!! That’s a whole other story though. Bottom line, DON’T ZOOM THIS PICTURE!!!!
You zoomed it, didn't ya?
Oh, I take that back. I WILL do one more picture with me in it…only because this is the only group shot we have of this entire weekend. Marley’s in outfit #2 already.

My little bro, Denver, lighting the dinner candles. Sorry, Denver, this is the only picture I had of you and didn’t want you to feel left out:).
Darryn and his beautiful wife, Alexa, who also happens to be Kristen’s (G-mo’s wife) sister…we keep it in the family…

The best Mom and Dad ever!!
Kristen and sweet lil Brooklynn…
Mar Mar is such a girlie girl. She loved that the napkin rings doubled as bracelets. She was getting ticked that she couldn’t get ‘em on fast enough….
Break time…taking a bite of a roll before she tackled the napkin rings from the other side of the table.
Matix getting psyched to eat his “turkey, pumpkin pie, and tomatoes”. Tomatoes??? Sure, whatever. But, that’s all he talked about for days leading up to Thanksgiving.
Matix and his best buddy…
His favorite part! He didn’t like the pie so much, but that whip cream…mmmm…he LOVED it!! He kept asking for pumpkin pie just so he could lick off the whip cream.
Tate slept through most of dinner. He is so dang cute when he first wakes up. Aww….
Typical girl…Marley went back for a late night snack and wanted to veg. We were laughing at how incredibly ladylike she is in this picture..NOT. Outfit #3. AKA PJ’s.

Like father, like son. As I was getting set to take another picture of Marley on her chair, Tate jumps in front of the camera from out of nowhere yelling “CHEEEETH!!!!” with his adorable little lisp. Such a G-mo thing to do…always trying to get in every picture that is being taken. Tate had us cracking up.
And, the picture I was trying to get of Marley before Tate hopped in:). She loves that TIME OUT chair that Noey (my mom)has. Hey, I don’t blame her….


Swirls of Happy said...

How cute is Marley in that "TIme Out" chair??!!!! Love the pics and I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving :) I can't believe you had pink eye in both eyes....you poor thing!!!! I wish I would have know, I would have brought you dinner. That is so funny the Kristen and her sister married brothers...they are both so pretty, they fit right in with the other girls of your family. Anyway, cute pics and I can't wait for Thursday!!!!! Let's leave around 6, that good?

Anonymous said...

What great pictures! Looks like so much fun! I love the pictures of marley and the "bracelets" So cute! And I;m sorry to hear you had pink eye. I hate pick eye! But you still look pretty!

Brooklyn said...

I agree with Keira. You look beautiful even with a swollen eye. Ps, don't feel to bad. I had a giant zit this week, I went to the doc for cause it was so huge! Love the chair, and Miss Marley's cute clothes! Could Matix and Marley be any cuter? Your entire fam is beautiful! Know wonder you guys have such cute babies! Good Genes!

Mark and Kristi said...

I love all the Thanksgiving pictures! Matix and Marley are so cute. I love the picture of Tate jumping in front of the camera, he is so funny! We will keep you posted on the babies :)

Chelsea said...

The picture of Marley getting ticked at the bracelets is priceless! what expressive eyebrows she has! I love that Time-Out chair, and poor you with pink eye, lucky your kids didnt get it too! What the heck were you cooking till 4 am???!

Shalayne and Clayton said...

Such cute Thanksgiving pictures! That sucks you had pink eye. Don't worry I am the unlucky one in my family too. Your kids are so cute I love looking at their pictures.

My Loves said...

Um, 4 am cooking consisted of redoing some pumpkin bread that I screwed up the first time around:)...I undercooked it and when it was all cooled I had cut into a perfectly doughy center. Nice....

My Loves said...
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Brooke and Brett Martin said...

OKAY I'M dying ABOUT THE TIMEOUT CHAIR- DOES YOUR MOTHER REALLY USE IT? I LOOOOOVE IT! okay umm yes- your family is beautiful. BEAUTIFUL. love the new pics! i can only imagine the fun you have.
call me at home when you want to drop them off-YOU AREN'T TOO LATE!!!! you busy mama you. you're so awesome to help. this has been such an amazing experience i can NOT even tell you! glad you can be a part of it...

Anonymous said...

I love all the Thanksgiving pic.s! You all look like beauts! Such a cute fam -and I really couldn't even tell you had pink eye :) That stinks you got it in the other though, right before family pic.s, non the less. GEEZZZE! Can't a girl catch a break?! Hope your doing better :)
I love Marley's girlie girl self. She is so lovely with her fashionista bracelet/napkin rings, multiple outfits, and rhinestone time out chair! She is to die for cute!

BCOOPER said...

great thanksgiving pics. your family is so dang cute! i love the time out chair!! cutest thing i have ever seen....i think if i had a time out like that for my girls they would sit in time out all day long. maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing:) love all your new pics!

the waites said...

Ok Miss America...You definately have the mother glow! Your munchkins are soooo cute too! Your little boys hair is a dream come true.

Jessica said...

Good to see you guys are doing well. Your little ones are very cute. Dont they just make you feel a joy that you never knew existed before? We are loving SF and our baby girl. If you guys are ever in the neighborhood give us a call.
Chad and Jessica

Cam and Mele said...

SO CUTE! And of course I zoomed in on the pictures haha! Got caught with my pants down!

And you DONT look like you have pink eye!!!!

love the outfits:D

Debbie said...

Okay so it has been way too long since I have seen you guys! I can't even believe how big your kids are getting and I didn't even know your brother and kristen's sister were even engaged...let alone married!! what the heck?!! Well anyways, you guys look great! hope all is going well!!

Kristi said...

Hi you guys! Heidi, I need one of those TIME OUT chairs for Scotty! I love your blog. Beautiful all of you! Hey FYI I have officially added you to my site. It's finally done! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hey – I am setting my blog to private tomorrow- crazy story- I think I already have your email for the blog- so I will add ya! :)

This Time Last Year....