
A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

A little late, but I'm gonna post these anyway. The kids had such a blast at the pumpkin patch this year. It was the first year Matix was really old enough to know what he was doing so he REALLY enjoyed himself. I think more than anything though,he loved the lil red wagon that was there to cart around the pumpkins. Needless to say, it was a BATTLE to get him out of there minus that wagon!

Marley, on the other hand, found her little pumpkin, sat on the bail of hay, and decided she was just fine there for the rest of the time. She was hilarious...she would gather all the little pumpkins around her and then slowly and mischievously, one by one, she'd drop them off the back of the bail of hay, each time eyeing me to see if I was watching. That little girl is such a stinker. A cute one at that.

More fun at the Pumpkin Patch...


Swirls of Happy said...

How cute!!! I love her shoes...so girly :)

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! Your little ones make me want little ones- they are so dang adorable!
Oh- and yeah- I did see Mele this weekend so I will email ya to get details and what not. Also, moms are just as good as sisters- my mom is like one of my sisters, and if you ever need one (a sister)- you can borrow one of mine :-) I have enough to go around!

Brooklyn said...

Diddo! Love the shoes! What a beauty! Matix is so cute too! How fun! Nothing beats good family times :) Britt said maybey we would all get togther this weekend. Yes?

Lisa said...

Heidi, it was great to hear from ya! Your family is darling and I can't believe how old your kids are! I remember your little girl being brand new at Costa Vida. That's pathetic that it's been so long. Hope you're doing well, talk to ya later.l

Jenna said...

Matix and Mar are so adorable. I love the pumpkin patch shots.

the cummard family said...

Fun pics. The kids look adorable-as always. Love Marz shoes!

Anonymous said...

Love those cute little kids!

Krystal Arnett said...

Hey Heidi,
It's Krystal (Shell) Arnett. I found your blog through Carli's. Your kids are adorable and I love Matix's name (of course)! I don't think we have seen you guys since you had Marley; so a very late congrats. Emi and Matix turn 4 on Saturday and we are expecting #3 in May. Life is good and you guys are the cutest fam!

See it Try it Love it said...

Hey Heidi, the blog is so cute. As are your kids. I love Matix's hair, I wish Jack could grow his out. Tell Karli to add me to her blog crystalannie60@hotmail.com

Chelsea Bevans said...

Way cute pictures! I love the blog!

Cam and Mele said...

THEY ARE ANGELS!!!!!!! I can't imagine it being otherwise, behind the scenes;)

This Time Last Year....