
The Happiest Place on Earth

Since we pretty much lived at Derek's parents Bounce-U in the month of October, I figured I would post some pictures of Arizona's own version of Disney Land. Between birthday parties (Mar's included), grand openings, and just for fun visits, we broke that new place in!! I'm thinking about having my own party there...:)

Their cousin Bella, Marley, cousin Crew, and Matix...doesn't he look like he's having fun?

:):):):):):):)::):):)::)At least someone's having fun....:):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

And finally, their modeling debut......

.....It helps that we're related to the owners I think.


Tyra said...

Ya im so excited that your a blogger!!! Maybe we need to do a BBQ at your house this week so hudson can play with Matix and his taller girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Dang- I thought I would be the 1st to leave a comment! Oh, well, Glad to have you officially in the bloggin world girlie!! :-)

My Loves said...

That's okay, Sommer. Isn't it "first is the worst, second is the best"? I'm kidding, Tyra. You know I love ya! Hopefully I'm not breaking MORE rules by commenting on my own blog at 2am:).

Swirls of Happy said...

YEAH!!!!!! I am so glad I get my fix of the solomons now! I love that picture of Marley...too cute :) Love the playlist also!

Brooklyn said...

Hey! Yeah! You did it! Such cute pics! When is our next date night?!

This Time Last Year....